Sunday 26 August 2012

                             Launch campaign for a new OAB therapy delivered through a patch. 

                          Pre-launch campaign for Cervarix, a new vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. 

                                 Award winning print and digital work for ADHD therapy, Concerta XL.

                                  Print and digital work for Adreview an intravenous imaging agent 
                                        that is able to predict when heart failure is likely to occur.

                               Launch work for a new treatment for young sufferers of Crohns Disease.

                                              Award winning work for anti-depressive Seroxat.

                                         Award winning work for cholesterol lowering agent Zocor.

                                     A longer lasting dosage to help keep bipolar sufferers on track.

                                        Award winning work for Vivalan a anti-depression therapy.

                              Campaign for breast cancer treatment Arimidex supporting the oncologist.

                            Encouraging the HER-2 testing of all women in breast cancer prevention.

                                Award winning app helps in the measurement of psoriasis severity
                                                          to determine the best treatment.

Viral film asking doctors to reassess their patients psorasis treatment 
and encouraging patients to request a treatment review. 

                                                Promotional film showing the differing lifestyles 
                                                    and cholesterol levels of Crestor patients.